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Too Much Media Patches

12/11/2009 - Patch 66.1A - NATS v3 secure update patch

Versions: NATS v3.0.0 through v3.1.65.2
Type: Required
Description: This patch corrects several issues which may result in undesired behavior under certain circumstances.
We recommend that all NATS v3 installations apply this patch.

Patch 66.1A Instructions:
Step 1:Login to your server via ssh as the user NATS was installed under.
Step 2:Go into your NATS directory. (There should be folders such as includes and www in this directory)
Step 3:Download the patch by using the following command:
If your server does not have wget installed you can use fetch instead.
Step 4:Unpack the patch files by using the following command:
tar -xzf patch_66_1A.tar.gz
Step 5:Go into the patch directory by using the following command:
cd patch_66_1A
Step 6:Run the install_patch.php script by using the following command:
php install_patch.php

The patch will notify you when the process has been completed.

If you have any questions regarding a patch or you are uncomfortable applying the patch yourself we are more than happy to assist you. Please submit a support ticket via our client support area or contact us at 732-385-1536.